Jim Jordan Confronts ATF Director Over Raid that Killed Bryan Malinowski: ‘Answer The Question!’ ~ VIDEO

In a heated House Judiciary Committee hearing, Representative Jim Jordan grilled ATF Director Steven Dettelbach over the controversial raid that resulted in the death of Bryan Malinowski, a Little Rock airport executive. The raid, which took place on March 19th, 2024, has raised serious questions about the tactics used by the ATF and the apparent lack of transparency in the aftermath.

Key Points from the Hearing

Jim Jordan pressed Director Dettelbach on several critical issues:

  1. Tampering with Surveillance: The ATF disabled the doorbell camera at Malinowski’s house and cut the electricity. Jordan questioned why these actions were taken, suggesting that they were attempts to hide something.
  2. Lack of Body Cameras: Jordan highlighted that ATF agents did not wear body cameras during the raid, despite policies and the high-risk nature of the operation. He demanded to know why these rules were not followed.
  3. Use of a No-Knock Warrant: The raid was conducted as a no-knock operation, which is typically reserved for situations where it’s deemed the only viable option. Jordan challenged the necessity of this approach, especially given Malinowski’s non-criminal background.

ATF’s Response

Director Dettelbach repeatedly stated that an independent investigation by the Arkansas State Police and the local prosecutor’s office was underway, emphasizing the need to respect the process and avoid commenting on pending matters. He assured that the ATF was not trying to hide anything and that they had called for the investigation to ensure transparency.

However, Jordan was not satisfied with these responses, pointing out that the public deserves to know why standard procedures, such as wearing body cameras and adhering to knock-and-announce protocols, were not followed.

The Background

The March 19th raid led to the death of Bryan Malinowski, a well-respected executive with no criminal history. The ATF’s decision to conduct a pre-dawn raid instead of a less confrontational approach has been widely criticized. Malinowski was shot to death in his home in a pre-dawn raid after “allegedly” firing at unknown home invaders, ATF agents, who returned fire, resulting in his death.

Ongoing Investigation and Criticism

The Arkansas State Police’s investigation concluded without addressing the ATF’s tactics, leaving the accountability question hanging. Critics argue that this oversight allows federal agents to evade consequences for their actions. The case has drawn comparisons to other controversial ATF operations, such as those at Ruby Ridge and Waco, which similarly resulted in the deaths of civilians and, in many cases, their beloved pet dogs, without significant repercussions for the agents involved.

What Needs to Happen Next?

Pro-gun advocates and those concerned about governmental overreach are calling for a thorough and transparent investigation into the raid. There is a growing demand for answers:

  • Why was a no-knock raid deemed necessary?
  • Why were body cameras not used?
  • Why was Malinowski’s home raided in a manner that seemed designed to provoke a deadly confrontation?

The pressure is mounting on the ATF and the Department of Justice to provide clear, honest answers and to hold accountable any agents found to have violated protocols or engaged in misconduct. This case is not just about one man’s tragic death by an out-of-control division of the FBI,  but about ensuring that federal law enforcement operates within the bounds of the law and maintains the trust of the public it serves.

Defund ATF

The House Judiciary Committee’s investigation, spearheaded by Rep. Jim Jordan, is a critical step in seeking justice for Bryan Malinowski and his family. These unaccountable agencies need increased transparency and accountability, especially in operations that can have deadly consequences. As this case unfolds, it will be crucial to keep the heat on the ATF for answers and reforms to prevent similar tragedies in the future.

For further details on the background and the ongoing investigation, read more here.

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I am not holding my breath.

After the Waco Tx. killing of 80 plus Americans I do not see anybody being held responsible.

Last edited 3 months ago by Duane
Knute Knute

Cannot be held responsible. Not for so long as their criminal cronies remain in charge in DC anyway!


Shut them down.


How do you propose this be done? Especially when they all cover for each other?

Wild Bill

First, presume that all the agencies’ leaders are part of the deep state. Second, Use the Reduction in Force (RIF) authority to get rid of whole agencies. Third, the Senior Executive Service (SES) and all General Schedule (GS) employees hold their positions at the pleasure of President, and are only entitled to two weeks notice. Finally, send a list of persons that will no longer be working over to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Then go to lunch.


The best tasting lunch you’ll ever have!!

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Don’t hold your breath. You’ll pass out.

No. You’ll die.


Get in our way-back-machine, read the Federalist Papers, consult our Founders, grow a pair…..

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

You mean in Israel, right?


Just and update. The news channel I watch went through a information section where they addressed this situation and talked about the similarities between this and Waco and Ruby Ridge. We don’t forget and we won’t let others forget or avoid it either.


Trouble is not enough people watch conservative news outlets to make a difference.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

I help people remember as often as possible.
It Will Never Happen Here or Will It?
Sammy Used To Love Homegrown Green Beans


Government never will. It’ll take Patriots reincarnated in our Founders’ image to move the needle….


I believe this as an assassination!

Papa J

Why, was the guy a friend of Hillary’s?


Why? Because the tactics and evidence says it was.


I am going to defer to a real lawyer on this one and one with a lot of experience. Rick Green of the Patriot Academy is a Distinguished Graduate of the UT School of Law and is a former Texas State Legislator. His attitude changed on all of the federal three letter agencies last week when the contents of the Mara Lago warrant were made public. His opinion confirms my opinion of many years. That commonly held opinion is this: the three letter agencies of the federal government have been rogue for decades and are beyond reform. They need to… Read more »

Carl up North

Arkansas has done their investigation and stated they can judge federal procedures. At this point I don’t give a rat’s patoot about and ATF agent getting injured when none of this had to occur. Dettlebum said about some 11,000 raids, that’s probably more than 10,000 that weren’t necessary. The AFT is the dangerous factor involved. Long story short, Mr. Malinowski did not have to die other than the AFT wanted it. Their raid squads are the most incompetent within the federal agencies and make Barney Fife the ideally trained operator.


How can you compare them to Barney Fife? Their tactical teams spend a whole two weeks in training (not counting weekends) to earn that designation. They don’t mess around, wasting months and months on it like every other special operations organization on the planet, before going on the hunt.


I would say he’s referring to incompetence. Barney was incompetent. Yes, they probably did everything exactly the way they had intended, but they violated regulations. That’s what most people would call incompetent. A different version of incompetence, but still incompetence.


I was being sarcastic.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

To be more exact, 10,999 weren’t necessary.


The ATF & the FBI both have Murder Squad’s to send a message from the Biden administration. You will obey or else!

AZ Lefty

Sure Comrade Sure

Knute Knute

Obviously you’ve never heard of VIPR teams. Just one more of the many billions of things AZ Lefty is completely ignorant of! 🙂


Is that you again, Comey?

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH

Why. Aren’t. These. A**holes. ARRESTED!! For their crimes!?

AZ Lefty

Gym ios a congressman so he is priveleged

Knute Knute

Because they are the elite. The rulers. Everything they do to the sleeping sheeple, their “subjects”, is “legal”… even though it might be heinously unlawful as well.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Because they have “qualified immunity” a code word from the supreme Court for a double 00 license to kill like a real life James Bond or Judge Dredd.


Everything about this Stinks. Not only did the AFT violate their own iron-clad policy of wearing using body cams, There were Locals there working with the ATF. They had BodyCams. They either did not turn them on, or they did not wear them. Even though their Local Dept. Policy is to wear and activate them when conducting operations. There is only ONE reason they would do this: The ATF told them NOT to turn on or Carry their body cams. THAT right there is KNOWLEDGE and INTENT they are Committing a Crime. The orders and procedures for this Debacle Did… Read more »


Some of the guns Malinowski sold were “recovered” as “crime guns.” Far as I’ve read the worst case was felon in possession by someone with a drug conviction decades ago. In other words, crime was possession by someone who many would argue should not be prohibited.

Do not expect ATF or media to discuss anything but number of “crime guns.” If any of the guns had been used in a malem se crime, news would be all over it.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Fact is, if it be known…they were wearing their body cams but when everything went to hell they huddled up and decided how to make the touchdown without any cameras.


This is murder by ATF. Perhaps citizen networks should be formed to counter this. Additionally, as I think AZ law states, no local LE assistance for Federal action. This way, especially in a small town, with a little warning, an appropriate response would be forthcoming. There is no reason to accept this.


Rule Number One in federal law enforcement: If you cannot get a conviction get a coroner.

Roland T. Gunner

Tje king’s men have to make an example of a few peasants from time to time.

Wild Bill

The first thing that everyone should do is put fake house numbers over their house number, and change them regularly. Second, get the strongest outer doors possible. Third, form tight groups with your neighbors to come, at a moments notice, to witness any group that comes to your door. Fourth, never agree to let groups into your house without a warrant.


Great idea, just use the correct address for the fed x driver.

Wild Bill

Maybe. But maybe that big truck will be the Fed S truck. S for surveillance.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Everyone involved in the raid needs to be tried and convicted for conspiracy to commit murder, and the shooter needs to be tried and convicted for murder.


As I see it the raid was born of either incompetence or malicious intent. If it was incompetence, it was so gross that it should lead to termination of not only those involved but those who hired them, those who trained them AND those who supervised them. Such incompetence is unacceptable at any level of law enforcement, more so in the ranks of our exalted federal agencies. I strongly suspect (as in believe but lack solid proof) that the raid was malicious in nature. Hard to imagine any other way it could have been orchestrated to better enable them to… Read more »


Do you mean as in the George Floyd matter?


Read Floyd’s autopsy report. He died from a drug overdose. Fentanyl suppresses autonomic functions and he self asphyxiated. If it were not for the hostile crowd that gathered, he might have received Narcan. So no, this would not need to be a show trial.

Roland T. Gunner

George Floyd was a turd who fied of a drug overdose; and Ofgicer Derek Chauvin’s prosecution and conviction was entirely political. He wss sacrificed to the Black Lies Mob.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Needs are what we all agree upon. Won’t is what the psychopathic control freak PARASITES behind this what they agree upon.


I saw an add today. It had a gate and on it, it said, No trespassing, ATF, FBI please do not tear down the gate, you have my phone number.

I see where there are going to be more people doing the same thing and gates like this will be the norm because of gestapo ATF tactics being used.

Trump 2024


If enough people erect similar gates or signs maybe then the unconscious American public will become aware. Government protects itself first.

Matt in Oklahoma

Still no accountability
Political posturing

Deplorable Bill

What is he trying to hide? A murder. The atf murdered that man in front of his wife. Remember Ruby Ridge? They could have arrested him or detained him anytime but instead chose a no knock raid in the dark at 6 A.M. Does this remind you of Waco? Why did the atf do this attack in this manor? Optics, PUBLIC optics, PUBLIC INTIMIDATION to scare the he!! of of every other firearm owner in the entire U.S.A. Who would not answer an, in the dark, break in without a firearm? What did the atf expect? EXACTLY THAT. He was… Read more »


Spot on, although as your post and others also illustrate, I am not sure this scared any gun owner. It seems, IMHO, to have had the opposite effect. It pisses us off. It’s my hope it’s pissed off enough gun owner voter skeptics that they are first in line at the polling booth in November. Look what happened this week in Portlandia, they said enough is enough and the good abused voting citizens in Multnomah County, Oregon sent the Soros funded county district attorney Mike Schmidt-show to the unemployment line. In Portlandia!!! We too can fix our national problems the… Read more »


Certainly erased my last shred of compulsion to allow invader to escape. I suspect part of why they picked Bryan Malinowski was because he was so peace loving. Heard this morning that when confronting the home invaders he shot his pistol at floor by their feet in effort to drive them off. Obviously he should have been making headshots. I suspect this will now be default action for many of us.

At this point ATF insignia marks wearer as a deadly threat as much as if they were already firing upon you.

Deplorable Bill

Yup, I will be voting in November. I suspect that, if things don’t change, there will be a lot of people voting with me, with a rifle.

Arm up and carry on

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Some firearm owners in the US didn’t get scared. They got PISSED.

Deplorable Bill

I am among them

Arm up and carry on


Dettelbach is a lackey. 60 Minutes proved it. This hearing reinforces it. The Deep State has no intention of following Firearms laws established by the Constitution. Expect more gun show sellers, hobbyists, and gunsmiths to be executed in their homes by Bidens Jackbooted thugs.


Cant believe this is happening in America. We need to strip these federal agencies of power and make it a campaign issue.


Someone needs to do a no knock on this clown’s door. He’s a murderer just like every agent present that night. MURDERERS.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

He isn’t a clown. He’s a PSYCHOPATHIC CONTROL FREAK PARASITE. Repeat after me…


things that start with a “d”

Dick sucker

Pro Tip.. don’t come over to my house on a no knock… I will teach you a very bad lesson… you see… guys that are comfortable with saying they have nothing to lose are not the types you mess with.

Last edited 3 months ago by Colt
Wild Bill

Most poetic.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

“The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of men who wanted to be left alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who… Read more »


We can learn from this man from RUSSIA …………….“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase,… Read more »


I read that book during my first year of college in 1973 when it was published. Time to see if I still have it in my library if not it’s time to buy another copy and start reading it again. I have kids, grandkids and a passel of great grandkids now that need to know this history since the tyrants in charge seem to want to repeat it. Not just the tyrants either, some of our dimocRAT neighbors are just as blood thirsty and would direct the jackbooted thugs into our realm in a heartbeat. One of the value added… Read more »


Does anyone think the Arkansas investigation will make any decisions which will make the ATF look bad. This is the Clintons home turf. I just wonder what the victim had on them.


That is their goal. To stop gun shops from selling guns and to kill the rest of us.
The take up arms call was made in Maryland in 2018.
And we sit here and talk about it every incident, each, one by one killing.
And what about the ones that don’t get reported???
The entire system is corrupt. The government has been failing us and supporting our enemies for decades.
And here we sit.


These people believe that they are above the law. A conviction most government employees hold.

Wild Bill

If Trump would give me the job and one clerk from OPM, I could solve the deep state problem before the end of the week.


You left out one vital component, your staff and your Secret Service protection. We don’t want you getting dead before you finish your work.

Patriot Jim

Let us hope and pray that the arrest and jailing of Dettelbach and everyone involved in the murder of Bryan Malinowski is one of the first things the Trump Team does on day one of the new administration. On March 12 the ATF SWAT team calls off the raid because they determine Bryan is not home. And then turn around and on March 19th these thugs find out he is home and now have someone they can manhandle and rough up, if not kill. These Gestapo thugs murdered an innocent man. Someone has to go to jail for Bryan’s murder.… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Patriot Jim

Why not walk into his office at work and arrest him there using two or three agents in street clothes?

Last edited 3 months ago by james

Because that would not have had the desired effect, to terrorize the population from selling personal firearms.


Absolutely right. #FJB & #FATF – they are terrorists and need to be terminated.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Or better yet, to have visited him and said, “Mr. Malinowski…we’ve been observing your firearms purchases and sales and believe that you need to register as a dealer. He would at least have had the choice of doing that, quitting his hobby in that respect or giving them the middle finger like Randy Weaver did.


For #3 – It is obvious that raid was planned to maximize their opportunity to kill Mr. Malinowski and claim self defense. Reason for this is also obvious. Mr. Malinowski is an upper middle income, middle aged, white man – thus obviously an MVE. They needed to kill him to send a message to the rest of us white males. Message is that ATF will change rules at their whim and kill whomever they deem opposition. Given purpose and reasoning – this is terrorism. When AFT agents are killed in action – I will be cheering in the streets. #ATF… Read more »

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

If you haven’t read it…read it…solution inside. These people are the dregs of society. They are legalized real life Judge Dredd and should be treated like the enforcers that King George sent to Concord Green…excuse me…I need to go puke up my breakfast.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

LOL! No one will upvote this one because they might end up on a list. I’m on a list. At least one. Maybe fifty. WHO GIVES A FLYING RATS REAR but a bunch of real life cowards.

Roland T. Gunner

I have been on their lists, literally, for 40 years. If you are not on their lists, you are not trying hard enough. Long before Unintended Consequences, there was the Turner Diaries and the Anarchist’s Cookbook.

Last edited 3 months ago by Roland T. Gunner
Wild Bill

Mighty pricey, now-a-days.

Roland T. Gunner

I used to give copies to friends and family. My mother still has hers.


In rural areas it’s a good idea to range your neighbor’s porch.
And for your neighbor to have proper dope on yours. An arts
and craft emblem can designate a safe zone beyond the wall.
Pay attention to what might become staging areas, so your
reaction is more effective.


Sage advice.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Referred to in modern times as an individual’s right to carry and use arms for self-defense, the Second Amendment was envisioned by the framers of the Constitution, according to College of William and Mary law professor and future U.S. District Court judge St. George Tucker in 1803 in his great work Blackstone’s Commentaries: With Notes of Reference to the Constitution and Laws of the Federal Government of the United States and of the Commonwealth of Virginia, as the “true palladium of liberty.” In addition to checking federal power, the Second Amendment also provided state governments with what Luther Martin (1744/48–1826) described… Read more »


They haul these guys in, confirm they are reckless jackboot constitutional violators, and then NOTHING happens. Makes me wonder if they all go drinking together after the hearings.


OBUMER After I heard this for the first time, I couldn’t sleep’. I knew this was coming 15 years ago. No mystery as to what is happening today

“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

Nice dog and pony show. JJ voted to keep spying on Americans. These hearings are all for show. Nothing ever happens, and no one is ever held accountable, unless you are pissing off our small hat wearing, tunnel rat masters.


Everyone should be prepared for a potential home invasion. Every home invasion should be treated the same. Make each entry into your house potentially lethal, it only takes a little imagination.

Wild Bill

Yes, prepare by moving to the country, not even a small town; put a six foot US Cyclone fence around your house; get at least four dogs for the inside of the peremiter fence.

Wild Bill

With my luck, about the time that I was raking leaves the cat would step on the remote control unit. Whoa … barbecue anyone!

Roland T. Gunner

Roll across the floor.


Jim Jordan for Vice President.
Just hire for him a fashion coach.


What has Jim “Trey-Trey” Jordan ever accomplished? He’s very adept at opening “investigations”, hence my nickname Trey-Trey, but name one, just one that has resulted in something other than his mugging for the camera.

How many “investigations” does he have on file? Nope, I don’t think he would make a worthy executive although the Vice Presidency is a nothing job, probably right up his alley.

Capn Dad

I noticed the black and whites (at least two city or county) assisting the gestapo ATF…..never trust any cop to uphold the constitution.

Last edited 3 months ago by Capn Dad

The deepshitstate is producing a body count to verify their dominance
as managers of a subjugated society. They own Biden the puppet resident.
They are not pleased to have a conservative leaning SCOTUS. That is why many courtrooms flaunt the constitution. “Democracy” has become code for “Communist Shitholeism”. By extension “Democrats” are better described as “Marxocrats”, Marxamericans are in denial about their status of being trained pets, and their children are being groomed as sex toys, and entrees’.

Last edited 3 months ago by Ram

My next Question/Comment:
This was a Search Warrant, not an Arrest Warrant.
The ATF came to his home another time, and he wasn’t home, so they ABORTED.
The Warrant already gave them the Authority to enter with or without Malinowski’s Permission or presence required.
I repeat; it was a SEARCH WARRANT
WHY was this done?


Liar. Liar. It costs next to nothing to publish policy “effective immediately.” Why no body cams?


CRIMINALS WITH BADGES who think that they are untouchable. PUBLIC SERVANTS HAVE NO RIGHT TO PRIVACY. THEY WAIVED THAT RIGHT WHEN THEY ASSUMED A PUBLIC TRUST. GIVE THEM ALL LIED DETECTOR TESTS and TRUTH SERUM, and EXECUTE THEM if they are lying. THE RISK FOR TREASON AND SUBVERSION IS TOO GREAT to just ignore their repeated acts of treason and crimes. https://sacredtruthministries.com/articles/two-books-could-change-america-and-christendom-if-people-would-read-them-and-do-what-right


INTENT! The INTENT of this ATTACK upon a Legal Law-Abiding American Citizen was to INSTILL FEAR of the ILLEGALLY SET-UP “atf bureaucracy”! Starting with dittlebach, EVERY PERSON INVOLVED with this RAID MUST BE ARRESTED, THROWN INTO PRISON WITH NO BAIL! There they shall wait without any court session to be heard about the ‘atf’s’ INTENTIONAL ASSAULT and ASSASSINATION of Mr. Malinowsky!!!!

Roland T. Gunner

I am to the point where I hooe it gets worse, BAD, so our complacent citizenry will wale up, sit up, stand up and take our countty back from our out-of-control government. My personal fear of our government is growing. Did I buy a thresded barrel adapter a couple of years ago that ATF now considers a silencer? Did I sell, or more likely give, a gun to somebody in the last few years who is now under ATF’s scrutimy, so now I would be a good test case example of a “gun “dealer” in need of some holes in… Read more »


The deepshitstate, or secondary Marxist government, becomes desperate
during election years. Dropping the occasional body re-establishes their
dominant status over the subjugated masses.


Getting rid of the atf and other rogue agencies is a common sense idea and safety requirement for citizens. However, there is a larger problem that needs to be addressed. It sounds simple, but most of these agencies exist without Constitutional authorization. Which means, in the founders terms, they are null and void. They should have never been created in the first place. The same cowardly and cavalier attitude that allows their creation also allows the illegal delegation of law making by the legislature to agencies and calling rules and regulations. EVERY agency rule or regulation pertaining to carrying out… Read more »


DoodleBug is the epitome of those turds that make us all wish we had more middle fingers…… Probably one of his ancestors was the one that made the Founders finally say, “Enough said. That’s it. Let’s get it on!!!!”

Yote Hunter

“…. aggressive abroad and despotic at home….”
Wonder who had that one pegged about the pending danger of concentration of power in the federal government???